Language support: Online Linguistic Support (OLS)


One of the strategic goals of the Erasmus + Program is to improve language competences as well as to promote and support language learning.
Online Linguistic Support (OLS) helps Erasmus + mobility participants (study trips, internships) to test their language competences and learn the language.
The OLS tool is available for the following languages: English, Czech, Danish, French, Greek, Spanish, Dutch, German, Portuguese, Swedish and Italian.

  • Online language proficiency tests (Language assessment license) are compulsory for all participants for whom the language of instruction (study trip) / working language (internship) is one of the following languages: English, Czech, Danish, French, Greek, Spanish, Dutch , German, Portuguese, Swedish or Italian. The participant must take the test twice: before the start and at the end of the mobility period. The test result does not affect the participant's qualification for the trip - it is only used to verify the knowledge of a foreign language before and after the mobility.
  • Depending on the result of the first language proficiency test, participants will be able to take a language course. Participation in the course is not obligatory.

Why is it worth using the OLS course?

In addition to learning at your own pace, OLS also offers Live Coaching to improve your grammar, reading, listening, vocabulary and communication skills. These are interactive classes between the native speaker and the participants with the possibility of interaction also between the participants. The participant has access to the course practically everywhere - the only condition is stable access to the Internet. Live coaching offers the following features:

  • open language courses in the form of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) at the level and subject chosen by the participant; a set of 30-minute interactive videos with live chat function; possibility to use at any time
  • tutoring sessions: classes in the virtual class; small groups of max. 6 people, the duration of the course is approx. 30 minutes (9-16, Mon-Fri); registration is required; the number of classes for which the participant can register the maximum depends on the duration of the mobility (e.g. if the mobility lasts 16 weeks, it is possible to register for a maximum of 8 sessions, regardless of the time interval); great selection of topics; games, debates, pronunciation and vocabulary exercises to increase self-confidence in the use of the language; Feedback from the teacher within 24 hours.
  • forum: teachers answer participants' questions; participants share their experiences on the OLS language or other Erasmus related matters.

! Technical problems with the functionality of the Erasmus + OLS system should be reported directly on the OLS website.