Outgoing Students

General information

The main aim of the Erasmus + program is to create an "Open Space" for universities in Europe, within which it would be possible to freely exchange academic teachers and students between them. The Erasmus + program has proved how valuable it is to exchange scientific and didactic experiences, get to know new environments, establish cooperation and improve the knowledge of a foreign language in practice in building cooperation within the European Union.

The main principle of the program is to assist with education. Students leaving the partner universities follow the study program appropriate for their home university, based on the "Learning Agreement" agreed with the Erasmus + Program Coordinator (officially approved study plan). The program is arranged so that it is as close as possible to the schedule at the Medical University of Warsaw. The approved plan becomes obligatory to complete the semester or the year. Missing items are made up after returning from the scholarship. Often, while away, students take a higher-year subject, which makes it easier for them to supplement the missing classes at the Medical University of Warsaw. The condition for obtaining credit for a semester or year is to deliver the original "Transcript of records", within the time limit specified in the agreement concluded between the student and the Medical University of Warsaw. The subjects are completed by the Dean.

Recognition by the home university of completed exercises, courses, passed exams, etc. is used by the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), the points of which reflect the work put into completing the courses by the student. The completion of 30 or 60 credits according to the "Learning Agreement" is tantamount to passing a semester or a year.


In order to enable the implementation of the Erasmus + program from the financial point of view, outgoing academic teachers and students receive monthly "grants" from the European Union. They do not cover the full cost of living. So, when deciding to apply for a trip, you should think about providing yourself with a source of funding to finance your stay at the partner university. Conclusion by students of an agreement with the Medical University of Warsaw, on the basis of which grants are paid, is tantamount to a commitment to implement the "Learning Agreement".


Currently, the Medical University of Warsaw cooperates with over 100 foreign universities under the Erasmus + bilateral agreements.


Grade distribution and conversion table